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Terms Of Service

Created on 19 March, 2024 • 3,481 views • 2 minutes read

ionCube Decoder Terms Of Service

Terms and use

The use of our system predicts that the user will accept the terms and conditions imposed by us. These terms may be altered without previous warning. If the client violates the terms and conditions of use, his/her account may be banned permanently without returning any money back.


The content that is to be decrypted by our system is predicted to be for personal use only. The content must not contain any malicious coding. Furthermore, we do not take any blame for whatever loss or damage while using our system. All provided services can only be used for legal purposes. Using our system in any way that infringes any copyrights or commercial brands is strictly forbidden and will result in the termination of your account. Please be aware that our decoder does not guarantee a 100% php source, it all dependes on the size of the file. If the file is too big the decoder may have some problems.


We do not provide any refunds, before buying our services, use our demo version for a test run to see if your files are decoded.

Ceasing functions

We keep the right to, at any moment, without previous warning, to modify or cancel the services provided and we do not take any blame for any damage caused to the client or other third parties.

Rights of ownership

The files with copyrights or commercial brands are protected to the maximum extent permitted by the laws of copyrights and international treaties respectfully. The content shown through our services is protected by copyrights as a collective endeavour and/or compilation, in the terms of international conventions and copyrights.

Resignation of warranty

The client agrees that the usage of our system is on his own risk. The service provided is available without any sort of warranty. All warranties be them expressed or implicit, including limitation warranties, commercialisation or suited for a particular purpose and the non-violation of the rights of ownership are strictly rejected to the maximum extent permitted by law.


The client agrees that he/she should uphold, indemnify, keep and take the blame off our service for all and whatever demands, responsibilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable honorary attorneys affirming against our service, its agents, its clients, employees or collaborators, that may appear or due to the result of any services given or executed or agreed to be executed by any product sold by the client, his agents, employees or assignees. The client agrees to uphold, indemnify and take the blame off our services against the following arising damages of:

1. Whatever damage to the person or property caused by whatever product sold or distributed related to our services;

2. Whatever material supplied by the infringed user or allegedly infringing the rights of ownership of a third party;

3. Violation of copyrights;

4. Whatever defective products sold to clients from our services.


We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. The account information that is kept is for self-use only and is never shared. The only personal information that is kept in our system is the email, name, and the ip of the client. Sharing accounts is not permitted. If this is found, that account may be cancelled without previous warning. We also do not allow connections through any type of proxys. If this is found the account will me terminated.

Forms of payment

